1. Interesting. My idea for a hyper local blog has absolutely nothing to do with search engine optimization. The idea is to build a community site that future listing prospects will want to visit. A site that they will want their listing associated with when they sell their home. SEO would just be a pleasant by-product. If Location, Location, Location is really so important, shouldn’t highlighting everything great about a location be one of an agent’s primary goals?

  2. Todd: Totally agree. I read somewhere that SEO might bring people to your site but the content keeps them coming back. Our thinking is similar…once a bunch of “hyper local content” is available, what then? Can we relate the content in a way that is easy for the user to digest and not just a group of pushpins on a map or require a lot of mouse clicks.

    Thanks for the insightful comment.


  3. […] Aggregating The Long Tail: Sharing The Local Mojo March 29th, 2007 In our first article about aggregating the long tail, we discussed the lack of spatial context with respect to closely located local information. This […]

  4. Um, you are going to rank higher than me for “birmingham, mi” and I will not be happy. ;->

    Oh, by the way, nice Star Trek action figure collection you’ve got going in the den.

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