Archive for the ‘random thoughts’ Category


Extending The Concept Of Distribution “Hubs And Spokes” To Include Value Measurements

October 20, 2007

Thinking About A Hub and Spoke Model

Pat Kitano captured the idea of distribution of content with Web 2.0 sites (or perhaps even web 3.0)  far more eloquently than we have been able to with a model of “hubs and spokes”.  He outlines his thinking in an excellent recent article about redefining a social networking community via hubs and spokes. Pat states for instance:

Social networking connects the real estate pro to far more diverse communities (hubs) via relationships that extend beyond their physical sphere (spokes). ” and goes on to add, “A Realtor can be exposed to a big subset of the community through her high school son’s Facebook account… and connections made this way are credible. In theory, more close connections are made more efficiently and quickly through social networking.” 

Why “Consent” and “Likelihood” Apply To Hubs And Spokes

The idea of extending value by leveraging hubs and spokes outside of one’s control applies beyond social networking as well.  Pat’s article served as the basis for an extension of the Pat’s hub and spoke concept: Hubs and Spokes do not have equal value. The value of any given hub increases with consent of that hub for use of its spokes and the likelihood of the spokes to either act or cause others to act on the message.  To continue to use Pat’s example: the value of a REALTOR’s son’s facebook account depends on 1) the consent  of the son (or daughter) to deliver the message and 2) the likelihood of the son’s friend to either act on or retransmit that message to someone that can act upon it.

Extending The Conceptual Model To Include Simple Value Measurements

Let’s dig into an example using real estate video that will let me not only further demonstrate my reasoning but also at the same time frame one of the hidden achilles heels of “cut and paste” video solutions to sell properties.  Anytime that a property video is pasted into any given website page, one of three results will occur:

– Best case (cat 1): A high number of visitors will watch the video and that number will include a reasonable mix of prospective buyers. For this example we will more than 3000 as our bar for views. 

– Medium case (cat 2): One of two results can form the medium case. Either a large number of visitors watch the video but the mix of prospective buyers is low or a low number of visitors watch the video (1000-2000) but the mix of prospective buyers is exceptionally high

– Worst case (cat 3): Less than 1000 visitors watch the video (leaving the seller’s cost per view ratio too high to be worthwhile)

The Cut And Paste Property Video Problem Framed In Terms Of Hubs And Spokes

Each of us has a different set of contacts (hubs).  If we frame our hubs by the amount and mix of prospective buyers on their websites (spokes), then we are statistically very likely to have  friends with websites that will bring less than 1000 videos to a property video (hubs shown in red in the figure) and the percentages drops from there as far as having contacts close enough to allow posting of a property video on their website (consent) that can bring both many video views and a high mix of prospective buyers (likelihood for a sale – shown in green in the figure but with a dashed line that represents the lower chances for most people of actually having such a contact).  Mostly, people seem to rely on either the traffic to the site that provides the player (generally pretty poor…really look at the numbers for property videos on any of them and they are dismal) or the video views from uploading to other general video sites.

In short, some sellers/agents have our own powerful hubs, many sellers and agents have to rely on the hosting service, and then very few will gain the consent required to leverage external hubs that have high traffic and a good mix of prospective buyers to get a high likelihood of results.  The success of your property marketing campaign lies almost entirely on the strength of your own contacts – consistent results can hardly be expected with such an approach.

Systematic Distribution of Videos Framed Using The Hub And Spoke Model

Systematic distribution involves a secondary process of contractually gaining consent for a well defined set of content to distribute. Only high quality and/or beneficial hubs are identified for participation in the process (no low traffic portals or those with low mixes of prospective buyers regardless of traffic – hence no red systematic distribution in the figure) . These selected hubs define a set of criteria for content that is of particular interest to their user base. Acceptance is then contractually captured in an agreement to distribute video content that meets the agreed criteria and will likely be granted acceptance by the user base for the portal. All videos will meet at least some criteria for distribution so there are no dotted lines for the real estate portals in the system distribution example above.  The hosting site is our own which has solid video view results and therefore is green.  The approach brings results even if the seller/agent decides to not post a single video elsewhere.

Of course, the seller/agent will be free to continue to leverage whatever personal contacts they have to gain distribution via cut and paste in addition to the systematic approach described above.


All hubs and spokes are not created equally. Together they have a value measured by the consent of the hubs to pass on messages (or content or videos or whatever) and the likelihood that the spokes will deliver such content or messages  with a resulting positive result or outcome.  This conceptual constructual isnt limited to video or blog content – it’s just as true in online social networking as it is in real life. 



Interesting Trend: South American Banks Increasingly Offering Euro Based Accounts

September 10, 2007

An interesting trend is brewing in South America where we have offices.  With the U.S. dollar’s continued fall, local banks in South America are increasingly offering banking services completely in Euros.  

This even impacts our company and our employees. Basically, we lose twice on our European contracts: once for the conversion to dollars and the second for conversion to local currencies. We also lose a third time when we have to convert from dollars back to Euros to pay our service providers in Europe. As we are gaining an increased number of European contracts, even we are considering opening one of these Euro based accounts, writing our future contracts in Europe based on Euros, servicing our real estate video contracts in Europe out of this account, and only converting to local South American currencies when we must. 

More importantly, what does this trend bode for the future of the dollar? To quote a very close friend, “I’m just sayin’! “


Defining A Conceptual Model Around Online Presentation Of Properties

August 12, 2007

Everyone that technology tools such as digital photos, virtual tours, and real estate video are useful for presenting information and context about properties.  But, if you had to define a conceptual model for the use of such tools, how would you do it?

We’ve taken a run at such a conceptual model over on our Active Rain blog:  Check it out and let us knw what you think.


WordPress Releases Their Flash Video Player

May 31, 2007

Here is the link to the WordPress blog announcement:

Great move especially with the size of their user base. It’s a paid premium feature for the moment – I’d be very surprised if it continues to be premium for a long time but even at a reasonable price point, people will use it…and use it for real estate video.

Part of the reason that we have not invested heavily in a Flash video player is that we have believed for a long time that the player is the most easily commoditized part of real estate video technology. Clearly, it wasn’t the message that people wanted to hear. I see the WordPress release as another big step in the movement towards the commodized flash player.  Perhaps WordPress’ actions will make it more apparent.  I think it is great move – making something a commodity when you are one of the larger players isn’t a bad thing.  Even as a premium service, wordpress will likely set the pricing bar for all of the verticals- that is not the position that we want to be in as a company….especially a small one.

All that said, we’ve had our own flash player in beta for some time but the difference is that our player is required to meet a very specific business purpose in the upcoming weeks. We’ll just stay focused on the basics: building an engaged audience, developing unique real estate video content in multiple languages, and focusing on solving the bigger technical “gotchas” on the back end of any web based service such as ours. 


Next Stop: Profitability In The Real Estate Video Business

May 12, 2007

 Soooooo  Close…

I’ve had the blog post in draft for several months now – we’ve been frustratingly close but not yet at net profitability. We’ll likely *just* miss again this month primarily due to travel costs to Europe at the end of the month as well as costs associated with spinning up our office in Central America that will serve Panama and Costa Rica. We also have some new narration and editing hires in Bolivia to bring on in the next week in order to process the increased volume of incoming real estate videos. In short, May isn’t going to be the month.

Profitability Within A Month

That said, I’ll go out on a limb and predict that our real estate video operation will likely be profitable for the month of June (and July as well).  This is based on new signed contracts for licensed video narration in South America, individual property videos reserved for June, and some reasonable percentage of sales in our foreseeable sales pipeline actually closing within the next two months.  For the record, I’m not including any inbound revenue from anticipated new business from Europe, online advertising, sponsorship, real estate video training, or any other secondary income not directly based on providing co-branded or private label real estate video services directly to customers but I am including the costs of such activities in order to calculate net profitability.

It Is Still Early In This Business Space

Some are already anointing their pre-determined winners and also-rans in the real estate video business based on flash players (of all things).  There are many excellent companies on that list but I’d respond that there is still a loooong way to go and many adoption hurdles left in the fledgling business space of real estate video. At some point, the flash player might become a key differentiator but, at this point, it is hardly the critical piece of the business issue at hand – if it was, then our real estate video network wouldn’t be getting nearly 60-70,000 monthly video views and the most popular embedded players like YouTube would be getting far more traffic than they actually are.  

Here is the reality: we’ll release our embeddable video player shortly and our real estate traffic will see some increase from where it currently is. However, this will translate into little or no direct incremental revenue until the market matures which is still a year or more off.  Additionally, in the coming months, you’ll see a growing number of agreements announced in the real estate video space but remember that there is a big difference between announcing agreements with known organizations and converting those agreements to a non-trivial amount of cash in the short term. So, what is the better indicator of success in an immature real estate video market – having a relatively commoditized flash player or having people actually watch property videos, brokers selling properties as a result, and achieving corporate  profitability?   If nothing else, profitability from operations is a established indicator of doing *something* right and will ultimately be another step in gaining respectability.

Back To South America

I’ll be back in our offices in South America on Monday.  We have more properties to film today and I fly out on Sunday so likely no more blog posts until then….


Maybe We Do Understand Zillow After All

April 9, 2007

Its been amusing watching Greg Swann for whom I have a great amount of respect twist himself into knots trying to convince us that we just don’t understand zillow’s latest release.  I read a seemingly unending slew of articles designed to convince everyone that Zillow 5 almost requires that you’d best get on board now in order to be successful. The Zillow marketing team couldn’t do a better job convincing the good folks over at the bloodhound..that’s what marketeers get paid to do and they’ve done it well.

Kissing Cousins: Zillow 5  & Wikipedia

I dont share Greg’s willingness to go to the mat so quickly about the new Zillow features (perhaps I just dont have the same incentives).  I do share one key area of agreement with Greg, however – the comparison of Zillow 5 to Wikipedia. It’s likely the closest conceptual match to what zillow has proposed with their latest release:  a site where users are enabled to edit an almost unrestricted variety of content for which the user feels knowledgeable that ultimately ranks well in search engines.

Are Communities Different Than Groups?

Web 2.0 as defined by Greg:

“Web 2.0 creates an ongoing community of active users by integrating a user-modifiable database through an interactive, as opposed to static, web-based interface.

Let’s start by thinking about the community that surrounds Web 2.0 sites. We’ll stick with four conceptual logical groupings for all of the sites :

1) Active updaters that make lots of changes
2) Active users that make less frequent updates
3) Active users that make no updates
4) Infrequent users

These are all users – but maybe my idea of community is somewhat different than Greg’s.  If there is any definable community for Wikipedia, it would be largely within the #1 group of 5000 or so editors that diligently provide the vast majority of edits (according to wikipedia’s data, 2500 people make about half of the total edits). An exponentially smaller percentage of participants in said community might come from group #2 or #3. I think that you’d find the same groupings and likely same broad brush percentages of those that feel some sense of community at other popular social web 2.0 sites. I’d argue that no such tangible community exists within groups #3 and #4  (anymore than there is a  “community” of people with, say,  driver’s licenses.)

Most Want Answers From Wikipedia Not Community

Never mind all of the active interface stuff, the vast majority of users never interact with the interface to know the difference between active and static interfaces.  They searched for something, found the [insert name of site here] website and now just want an answer/some information. Despite Greg’s arguments to the contrary, wikipedia *is* simply a collection of encyclopedia articles from a public standpoint. In many cases, thats exactly what they want it to be – semantic enough to get the darn answer or information that I want 😛 Anecdotally I’m sure that some group of users is like me in that they do a search elsewhere, click over to the wikipedia link prominantly displayed in the search results, and then back to Google.  It’s simply one of N resources that exist in the internet.

Page Views Do Not A Community Make

But powerful resources with true communities often are near impossible to replace. Greg rightly points out that the difficulty of unseating any of the major web 2.0 players in the marketplace has little to do with the technology.  Most of these technologies are rather simple…and he uses eBay and wikipedia as his prime examples.

Herein lie the issues for me. Ebay and Wikipedia simply don’t share the same types of dependencies on their user base for their sites’ success. People often spend time on eBay (or Digg) poking around for things that are not in any way associated with their original intent. Sites like these have a dedicated user base that often returns to the site to consume new content. Wikipedia on the other hand has a dedicated content generation base. When was the last time you “just went to wikipedia to spend some time” like…umm…never? I can only speak for my own experience but I feel no sense of community at all on wikipedia as a user.  People generally dont blog about wikipedia…they view it as a resource. 

Zillow 5, like wikipedia, is being built on user supplied information. Therefore, Zillow 5 features by definition need to be conceptually much closer to Wikipedia’s model than eBay’s.  Given the differences, I’ll extend Greg’s observations therefore and say that in the case of Wikipedia and unlike eBay, unseating its market position has very little to do with community that has establised itself on the site. Wikipedia’s barrier to entry seems to be more in replacing the sizable body of information that they have established to date rather than having to convince some set of users to move from one site to another (see Greg…we do understand what Zillow wants to do).

There is definitely some critical mass of that assembled information that once passed becomes a barrier to entry for others. Zillow is working to get there. But, despite this critical mass already being achieved by Wikipedia, the death knell has simply not been dealt to other information brokers – simply put, wikipedia has become another resource used while searching. 

Will It Be Users That Form The Real Community Around Zillow 5?

 Zillow will be successful in building a community.  Blogging A-listers like Greg will blog about it, comment about, and be quoted in newspapers and thats all good. But I dont believe that the zillow 5 features will do enough to break the model established by its content-rich kissing cousin.  I foresee a similar trajectory there will likely develop a community of very active real estate service providers that mainly ne representative of group #1 above. They’ll be the ones like Greg adding their hundreds and thousands of photos. The “draw” or reason to be on the site in their case is the opportunity to sit in the driver’s seat until the owner of a property comes by and also by the advertising opportunities. Viewing the competition of other service providers within given zip codes also could be a sufficient draw. 

There will also be some set of people looking to buy or sell properties.  We know that most studies suggest that buyers will likely use search engines to find real estate. Zillow content will be found and viewed much like wikipedia content is today.  Only time will tell how often will buyers specifically go to Zillow to see if their dream house is for sale or if new information is available if they are not in the market remains to be seen.  Will it be more often than they go to a domain name sales site to see if their dream URL is available?  If so, how often is that? 

The most controversial draw is homeowners somehow believing that they’ll have to claim their property at the Zillow site to avoid having someone else provide information about the property. Though it makes for great marketing chum, it seems to necessitate about the same level of urgency as the need to check wikipedia (or any of the major search engines, for that matter) to see if anyone is posting your personal information.  Joe and Jane Consumer aren’t doing that on any sort of regular basis now. Why, then,  would Zillow be any different in terms of this particular “draw”? More importantly, why would the legal process and subsequent remedy for posting untrue or derogatory information on Zillow be any different than for any other website? In short, if the information is correct, folks will likely leave it…if not, they’ll seek whatever remedies required to have it removed.  The Zillow guys are smart guess is that they’ll announce some update to this feature to “better support the user base” after wringing out all of the marketing value….ths particular feature is kind of like the Jerry Springer show encapsulated in programming code.

Role of The Service Providers:  Provide Activity And Page Views

Much like wikipedia, the largest community will grow around the active service providers.  There is an issue here as well. For the community within eBay and wikipedia any industry disintermediation is viewed as a  benefit to the entire user base. Ironically, Zillow will be relying on many of the very people that it seeks to disintermediate in order to build its base of active content providers.  Granted that Drew and company are working hard to be REALTOR-friendly in the blogosphere, but disruption is clearly in Zillow’s business model and their key marketing differentiator. Note: no value judgement here, just my own observations

This is where the pay-per-impression model is, in my view, a long term master stroke by Zillow. Using wikipedia (or even Digg) as an example, we know that popular user generated content sites have an active core group of content providers that generate a large number of page views. So, it’s equally likely on the Zillow site, that an active core group of real estate service providers will generate a high percentage of page views as well..particularly zip codes that have a high service provider participation rate.  The difference being that the page views at zillow are subsidized…well…mostly by other service providers.  The Zillow revenue model assures that they dont even need to worry about the fact that service providers have a low probability of clicking on other service provider ads.   This will be particularly interesting when the most active service provider zip codes have rates that increase with limited supply of EZ Ads.  Those are the future blog posts that I want read when this all plays out…when the 1 penny crack hits go away….and it’s time to pay the dealer.

Oh…a quick inclusion of the Zillow api into the discussion…looking down the road, what would be the reaction if, at some point, other people’s EZ Ads were rolled into the API output?  Likelihood?

Where Are We Now?

– Zillow isn’t in the market position of an Ebay or a wikipedia right now and, in my opinion, it’s bit premature to decide that they are based on this specific feature set. Perhaps in the future they may be, but we also have real life examples of companies that thrive in such environments.  History is against Zillow establishing such a dominant position but their disruption marketing is a strong aid in the attention economy.

– Just because online content generators have some sense of community doesnt mean that general public that consumes content will feel as though they participate in communities. Wikipedia has shown us that just because we can edit content does not corollate to large numbers of regular users actually doing so.  The likeliest community will be formed by service providers who ironically have the most seemingly to lose by making the site successful.

– In terms of personal content being generated by others, we have a model in Wikipedia to anticipate what will happen with Zillow’s new features.  My thinking is that Zillow’s content will be found and consumed much like wikipedia’s is today by the general public but to a much smaller audience.  Process and legal remedies will continue exist for false, derogatory, or other such information.

In all, I’m fairly neutral…honestly, a bit underwhelmed by the uptake.  I’m certainly not ready to gamble my credibility on pumping services that haven’t proven to be the inflection point of real estate as we know it.  Zillow may well be on the road to such an end state…but there is still a long journey.

Disclosure: This is likely unnecessary but in terms of full disclosure, a representative of Zillow did contact me about employment as a senior software manager just as they were getting off the ground in Seattle a little over a year ago.  We exchanged several emails with interest from both sides but ultimately I was thought it best to go off and do my own thing.  Our commercial web engine gets 1/10 of their traffic, I dont believe that I personally know any of the team, and Zillow does not operate in our geographic focus areas.


Does Anyone Actually Use The Chat Plugin On Their Real Estate Blog?

April 7, 2007

I’ve been noticing these live chat plugins occupying more and more valuable space on real estate blogs. I’ve noticed that very few people are actually in an “online” status with them.  So I did a little experiment – I visited most of the major real estate blogs at least 5-6 times per day across most of last week (look in your weblogs for an IP address that starts with 200.75. from outside of the US) . 

No one had their chat plugins set to “online” at all. Not once in a 1.5 weeks.  Despite quite a few daily visits at various times of the day and night,  comments and sometimes blog posts were sometimes made during times that I was on these real estate blogs but no one had their chat plug-ins engaged. Not one person.  There has been at least one blog redesign that included a migration of the chat plugin that is always….set…to…”offline”.  Hmmm….. 

So, Mr. Obvious might ask, “why have chat plug-ins on your real estate site or blog at all if they aren’t enabled?”


UPDATE: no sooner did I hit “publish”, I went to the blog and they were not only set to “online” but also briefly chatted with me.


Real Estate Video Progress Resembles March Madness

March 14, 2007

We’ve posted a number of real estate video interviews over the past 24 hours in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.  I wont have time to post summaries of the video interviews here in the blog until I get to Panama later this week. You can see the new English language real estate video interviews at (switch languages to see the others). We also have more than 100 real estate videos of various properties in Brazil and other places still to process.  At the same time, we are working feverishly to post our pending video interviews.  No idle time here with our small team.

In all, this has been a busy month. We are on track to have over 50,000 real estate videos watched this month for the first time and more than 100,000 page views this month also for the first time (I’ll estimate approx. 120,000 total page views in all). Page views are not a key metric but, all else being equal, does indicate growth in that 1/3 more pages are being viewed over last month with  only 2 fewer days and the video metric means that we are getting about 350-400 more real estate videos watched on a  daily basis than in February.  

We expect to see more growth as we continue our push into Central America and the US. Thanks for joining us on the ride.